Permit Me

The index of all system permits currently granted to this Commander

The Fleet

Dispersed throughout the galaxy, these are of the tools of my trade


They are a secretive and eccentric bunch of individuals who can make interesting updates to weapons and modules

Nyeajaae DA-Z a27-2

Chronicles Expedition, Waypoint 033: Searching for Viride Sinuous Tubers in the Nyeajaae DA-Z a27-2 system

Pru Aescs NC-M d7-192

Chronicles Expedition, Waypoint 032: Searching for P01-Type Anomalies in the Pru Aescs NC-M d7-192 system

Eodgorsts TX-C b13-3

Chronicles Expedition, Waypoint 031: Searching for Q05-Type Anomalies in the Eodgorsts TX-C b13-3 system

Blaa Hypai OZ-O d6-16

Chronicles Expedition, Waypoint 030: Searching for Cymatilis Bell Mollusc in the Blaa Hypai OZ-O d6-16 system

Gru Hypai DL-X e1-20

Chronicles Expedition, Waypoint 029: Searching for K02-Type Anomalies in the Gru Hypai DL-X e1-20 system

Gru Phio DV-W d2-440

Chronicles Expedition, Waypoint 028: Searching for Roseum, Prasinum, Albidum and Caeruleum Sinuous Tubers in the Gru Phio DV-W d2-440 system

Eeshorks WO-A e191

Chronicles Expedition, Waypoint 027: Searching for Viride Reel Mollusc in the Eeshorks WO-A e191 system

Eeshorks QI-B d1496

Chronicles Expedition, Waypoint 026: Searching for Luteolum Reel Mollusc in the Eeshorks QI-B d1496 system